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Lifelong Learning: Education for Families, Children, and Adults


"It's by their questions that we choose our students, not only by their answers" (Rabbi in Yentl


I have a breadth of experience creating and facilitating learning opportunities for all ages, both in and out of the classroom.  My educational philosophy is influenced by my work as an archaeologist: I see the stratigraphic layers of text and tradition from generation to generation, showing an evolving relationship between Jews and the spiritual and physical worlds. I believe that ongoing learning with all of our senses helps to ground us in this world, while at the same time not being too attached to it.

Bar / Bat Mitzvah Prep:
youth and adult


I work closely with students to help them 

  • Prepare for reading, singing, chanting of prayers.

  • Understand and use trope for chanting Torah and Haftarah.

  • Develop ideas and write a drash or dvar Torah, speech or talk related to the B-Mitzvah's Torah reading and personal interests.

Writing as a Jewish Spiritual Practice

The written word has long been a tradition in Jewish circles. Writing functions as a spiritual practice on many levels. Whether private journal or published exegesis, ethical will, memoir, novel, philosophical treatise, biblical commentary - writing supports mindful living and provides a way of communicating spiritual experience and understanding to ourselves and/or to our communities. 


Single or multi-session programs . . .

Adults, high school, grades 4 and up . . .

Other learning opportunities

Please contact me if you are interested in other programs. I have a variety of experience bringing Jewish connections to topics that connect to interests from Judaism in nature to traditional Talmud study, from mystical Kabbalah to practical Mussar, and more.

© 2015 by Rabbi Sarah Rubin - created with

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